Millivolt Meters: MV-3100A | MV-3200B

Millivolt Meter, 5HZ ~ 1 MHz: MV-3100A



The Model MV-3100A is a single band Millivolt Meter for measuring AC voltages from 0.3mV to 100V in 12 ranges with bandwidth of 5Hz to 1MHz. Each range shares 10 dB. The effective sensitivity at 0.3mV range is 30 u V. This voltmeter is equipped with three color scales for easy visual distinction, namely Volt, dB and dBm. As the result of employing FET in the inner circuit of this instrument, the input impedance is 10M W.


  • Wide band range: 5Hz - 1MHZ
  • Testing Range: 100V ~ 300V
  • Three scales, mV/dB/dBm with three different colors, for reading easily
  • High stability and high confidence



Voltage Range
0.3 1, 3, 10, 30, 100,
0.3 1, 3, 10, 30, 100V, in 12 ranges

dB Range
-70, -60, -50, -40, -30, -20. -10, 0, +10, +20, +30. +40, dB (0 dB=1 Vrms. 0 dB=0.755V)

+- 3%, of full scale to 1KHz or 400Hz

Input Impedance
W for each range 40pF or less

Band Width
+- 3%20 Hz ~ 200 KHz
+- 5% 10 Hz ~ 500 kHz
+- 10% 5 Hz ~ 1000 kHz

Amplifier Output
0.1 Vrms. at full scale 600
W Impedance

Power Requirements
AC115/230V 50/60Hz Approx. 5VA

Size & Weight
215(W) x152(H)x 200(D)mm
Approx.. 2kgs



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